24 Jul 2014

Lace bracelet

What you will need

Lace Ribbon
Ribbon (wider than the lace)
2 ribbon clamps (that fit the larger ribbon)
a set of clasps
links or a small metal chain

fabric hardener / white glue / lighter

Measure out the lace and the plain ribbon according to you wrist or the person's wrist who you are making it for. make sure to not make it so long that it circles the whole wrist as you will have to add a clasp of some sort to it. leave a little extra on the ribbon that will hide in the clasp. if you are going to use the lighter leave a little bit more.

used the fabric hardener or glue on the ends of the ribbon to stop any potential fraying. A lighter can also be used on most types of ribbons, simply hold up the end to the flame and slowly melt the ends. don't keep it too close or it will burn off more than you want it to.

Line your 2 ribbons up. I placed the plain ribbon under the lace so it would stand out more and because I didn't think the lace ribbon to be all that strong. If you use a stronger lace ribbon you won't have a need for it. You can glue the ribbons together it you really want to but you don't have to.

Use on of the clamps on one end of the paired ribbons. use the pliers to open and then close the clamps Mine was a little smaller than the ribbon but I managed to squish the ends in a bit and it worked fine. Before adding the clam on the other end try the bracelet on the lace ribbon should end up slightly longer than the plain one you can either cut it of and go through the whole glue/flame thing to keep it from fraying or fold it over. It shouldn't be so long that it will poke out. Add the other clamp.

Depending on how long you have made it you can add the clasps straight onto the clamps or add a little chain making the bracelet larger. you will need you pliers to open up the links and close them.

You can always adjust the size of the bracelet by adding or removing some chain links.

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